Odoo 15 - Module Surveys

Creation and evaluation of surveys in Odoo
November 25, 2021 by
Odoo 15 - Module Surveys
manaTec GmbH, Tom Pohling

In our recent blog posts, we have looked at various ways in which we can use the Odoo ERP system for our marketing and sales activities and gain important insights from it for our future corporate strategy. Far more important for the success of a company, however, is knowledge, information and regular feedback - about the market, about customers, about products or internal company procedures, such as processes, management culture or working conditions.

Information on the above points helps companies to identify current trends, to focus on the needs of customers and to constantly optimize their internal processes. Surveys - especially online surveys - are a very good way of obtaining this information. Online surveys allow us to reach a large number of people, evaluate them digitally, and obtain a representative overview of various individual points of view. The purpose of a survey ranges from market or product research to customer satisfaction and employee feedback. With the Surveys module, Odoo offers us exactly the right tool to get this information. In today's blog, we will show how to create, share and evaluate a survey in Odoo.

There are three different access rights in the Surveys module. For a user without access rights, the module is not visible in the dashboard. The access rights of the "User" and "Administrator" rights groups differ only in the permission to delete records. There is no advanced configuration here, all settings are made directly in the survey.

If we open the Surveys module from the Dashboard, we are taken directly to the overview of our surveys. Next to it there is the menu item "Participations", which lists all participants and their answers in a list view. However, we can also access this data directly via the surveys.

The overview of all our surveys.
The overview of all our surveys.

In the overview of our surveys, we can call up, edit or evaluate existing surveys as well as create new surveys. For existing polls, Odoo directly shows us some key figures, such as the number of responses or participations.

When we create a new survey, we first assign a title and define a responsible user. Then we formulate our questions and, if necessary, answers in the "Questions" tab. For the questions, we have various question types at our disposal - single or multi-line text box, numerical value, date, multiple choice with one or more answer options, and matrix questions.

The creation of a question.
The creation of a question.

For each question we can optionally add a description and/or an image. Also, for each question type there are different options for the question itself as well as for the answers. This allows us to define, for example, whether answering a question is mandatory or whether a question is displayed based on the answer of a previous question (conditional display). Furthermore, we can limit the answer options by defining a range for a numerical value or a date, for example, and by specifying the answer options for multiple choice and matrix questions.

Once we have specified all the questions, we can change their arrangement in the list view using drag & drop and categorize them using the sections.

The categorization of our questions in a list view.
The categorization of our questions in a list view.

In addition to specifying a description at the beginning and a closing text at the end of the survey, we now have a few options for the survey itself. First, we define the layout of the survey and specify whether all questions are displayed on one page, only the questions of one category on one page or each question individually on one page. We can also enable a "Back" button and set a time limit for the survey. Through the access setting, we control who can access the survey, whether a login is required for this, and how often the survey can be accessed.

Furthermore, we can use a survey as a certification. To do this, we enable scoring and set a percentage above which the certification is considered passed. Additionally, we define the correct answers and their scoring in our questions. By selecting an email template and a template for the certificate, we automate the sending of a certificate to the participants after successful completion of the certification. Last but not least, we can also use the survey as a live session or live survey.

For further use of our survey, we have various buttons available. With the button "Share" we generate a link to the survey, which we can send directly to the participants via email. The "View Results" button takes us to an online view where we can look at the results of the survey collectively. Depending on the question type, we are shown the answers in a list view, in a graphical view and/or in a tabular view.

The results of our survey in the online view.
The results of our survey in the online view.

Alternatively, we also have the possibility to look at the answer of each participant. To do this, we click on the smart button "Answers" and select the participant. Here we now see the individual answers to the questions in a list view. By clicking the button "Print" we get to the results in the online view for the selected participant.

It also makes sense to use the buttons "Test mode" to test the survey before sending it to the participants and "Close" to end and archive the survey. In the survey overview, however, these surveys can be called up again at any time using the "Archived" filter. If we want to use a survey again in the future, but evaluate it separately, we can simply duplicate a survey that has already been conducted. Of course, the history is also available to us in the survey, including the functions known from other objects for internal and external communication as well as activity planning.

With the Surveys module, Odoo offers us a great opportunity to obtain the information mentioned at the beginning about the different purposes or the different interest groups with simple means. The creation of the survey by the user is just as intuitive as the execution by the participant. The evaluation is also very clear and well structured in the online view. The use of the module for certifications and live sessions rounds off the functionality of the surveys.

Are you looking for an ERP system with which you can also conduct and evaluate online surveys, or do you have questions about the Surveys module? No problem! Contact us now and we will be at your side as an experienced Odoo partner!

Sources: www.odoo.com

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